Create a login for use with the iScope system and download client software
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1. If you don't already have a login and password:

(If you already have a login and password, skip to step 2.)

Register a new username: You will need a username (login) and password, so to use the iScope.

Your email address*:

Desired username (case sensitive!)**:

Password (also case sensitive, no less than 4 characters!):
Confirm password (type it again):
* Please enter an email address that you actually use. We won't sell your address or send you junk mail.
**: You may be prompted to pick another username if your desired name is already taken. The username and password cannot contain spaces.

Once you have a user name and password (you should have seen a confirmation screen), continue down this page to download the iScope software.

2. If you have a login and password already (or if you just got one):

New release (02/01/05) iScope Client 1.2, Gumbo 2.8 and Aria 3D 1.7 are now available. The new versions include bug fixes, optimization and new features. All old versions are still available in the Archives for downloading, but they most likely contain bugs and may be incompatible with the latest iScope server software. It is beta software, so unexpected operation may occur.
Note (09/09/05) Starting from iScope Client 1.2, Gumbo 2.8 and Aria 3D 1.7, a update detection mechanism has been provided that automatically informs the user when the new release is available.

Download the iScope Client Software: There are two components to the iScope client software: Gumbo and Aria 3-D. Versions of these programs are available for most Linux distributions, all modern versions of Windows, and Mac OS X.

 iScope Client Suite: both Gumbo and Aria3-D

As of Gumbo v2.7 and Aria3D v1.5, these two components of the iScope Client now feature more integration - specifically the ability to launch Aria3D from within Gumbo. Because of this new feature, it was decided that it is best to distribute these two programs together. However, at this time they can still download and operate independently should you wish to use them in such a manner.

iScope Client 1.2 for Mac OS X

(6.0 MB)

iScope Client 1.2 for x86 Linux

(5.9 MB)

iScope Client 1.2 for Windows 98/2000/XP/NT/ME

(4.7 MB)

 Gumbo: for microscope control, slide browsing, and Z-axis movie queueing:

"Gumbo," or the Graphical User Mouse Brain Obtainer, allows the user to connect to our iScope server and control one of three online microscopes. Currently only a single slide is available on each microscope, but an automatic slide changer is in the prototyping stages. When it is completed, users will have access to over 600 slides from our collection. Gumbo also serves as an interface for users to request the creation of z-axis movies from the iScope server. The user can request the creation of a movie at any location on the tissue and specify the step in the z-axis. You will be notified by email when your focus-through movies are ready.

Gumbo 2.8 for Mac OS X

(3.0 MB)

Gumbo 2.8 for x86 Linux
(3.0 MB)

Gumbo 2.8 for Windows 98/2000/XP/NT/ME

(2.6 MB)

 Aria 3-D: for viewing focus-through movies and stereology:

After using Gumbo to request that specific areas of a slide be imaged, "Aria 3-D" (Automated Remote Image Analysis) is used to browse through and view these movies. Aria 3-D doesn't directly interface with the microscopes; it downloads previously-generated movies from the iScope server, and allows you to rapidly focus through them and count cells. Since movie queuing is disabled in the current version of Gumbo you will be able to view movies from our library, but not request your own.
Note to Users: If you are experimenting with the iScope and want to view a particularly lovely case, please search for case# 242a or 470b.

Aria 3-D 1.7 for Mac OS X

(3.0 MB)

Aria 3-D 1.7 for Linux
(3.0 MB)

Aria 3-D 1.7 for Windows 98/2000/XP/NT/ME

(2.5 MB)

You may want to view the Online Tutorial before installing and using the software.