News 4/26/07 - Atlas of Developing Mouse Brain Embryonic Day 16: Schambra, Annotations Complete4/26/07 - Atlas of Developing Mouse Brain Gestational (Embryonic) Day 12: Schambra, Annotations Complete 09/17/04 - Atlas of Developing Mouse Brain Embryonic Day 12: Schambra, in progress 01/6/04 - How to Make your own Atlas in 10 Easy Steps 08/2/02 - Horizonal A/J Atlas. This is a high resolution (2.6µm/pixel) atlas in 8-bit color. 07/16/01 - Horizontal DBA/2J Atlas. This is a high resoution (3.5 µm/pixel) atlas in 8-bit color. 07/26/00 - Mouse Brain Atlas Tutorial and related files added. This tutorial gives detailed instructions for creating your own mouse brain atlas. 07/19/00 - Coronal DBA/2J atlas uploaded. 07/06/00 - Preliminary horizontal C57BL/6J atlas uploaded. This atlas is still in the early stages of refinement. 8/16/1999 - On-line brain atlas project started. Coronal C57BL/6J atlas completed.