September 27, 2005
Mouse Brain Library Collection
The collection now consists of images from approximately 1500 brains. You can search the MBL for cases by strain, age, sex, body or brain weight. |
September 23, 2005
Atlas of Developing Mouse Brain Gestational (Embryonic) Day 12: Schambra, Annotations Complete
Coronal sections of gestational day (GD) 12 mouse heads, every 5th. section, stained with a hematoxylin and eosin (H & E).
August 30, 2005 With the New Release of iScope Client Suite v1.2 now you can see over 154 Slides with an average of 550 Hi-resolution stacks for each slide.
As of Gumbo v2.7 and Aria3D v1.5, these two components
of the iScope Client now feature more integration - specifically
the ability to launch Aria3D from within Gumbo. |
August 30, 2005 The MBL Process
This manual explains the process of embedding brain tissue in 12% celloidin, cutting the tissue with a microtome, staining and coverslipping the brain sections, the images of which are then posted on the internet for research purposes.
August 30, 2005 Horizonal A/J Atlas. This is a high resolution (2.6µm/pixel) atlas in 8-bit color
About this A/J Horizontal Atlas: The brain is that of a 365-day-old A/J female with a body weight of 22.8 grams and a brain weight (fixed) of 158.2 milligrams. In vivo brain weight was 386.4 mg. The animal's celloidin case ID number is 005 and you can view one of the two slides used to make this atlas. Shrinkage during fixation and processing is 25.6% (linear). The in vivo grid compensates for this shrinkage. The abbreviations we have used to label the sections conform to those in the Franklin-Paxinos atlas (The Mouse Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, Academic Press, San Diego, 1998, ISBN Number 0-12-266070-6). |
August 30, 2005 Mouse Optic Nerve Image Database (MONID)
A collection of high magnification electron micrographs of the mouse optic nerve suitable for quantitative, comparative, and genetic analysis.
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